Investment Management
A FOM Approach to Investment Services
Our FAMILY OFFICE MINDSET (FOM)℠ personalized approach to investing drives our portfolio management process, which is both family oriented and collaborative. With our clients, we identify investment objectives and establish a clear strategy to achieve them. All security-specific selection is preceded, either implicitly or explicitly, by an asset allocation decision, where in excess of 90% of investment results are determined. We construct investment portfolios through a disciplined process tailored to your specific needs.
Trust Company Family Offices’ signature investment management strategies include:
Intermediate-term fixed income management
Individual security management of large-cap domestic equities
Manager-of-managers investing
Socially responsible investment management
Wall Street can’t touch the credentialing and performance of our managers.
As a fiduciary, our responsibilities go well beyond any legal obligation to put our clients’ financial interests first. We have gone to great lengths to otherwise ensure the integrity of our processes by eliminating potential conflicts of interest.
Simple, Transparent Management Fee
This commitment means we are paid only by our clients with a simple, transparent management fee that removes any actual or potential conflicts that arise from sales-based compensation. We also forego managing our own mutual funds and we stay out of the brokerage business. Our independence from any particular investment or brokerage firm allows us to help you find the investments and services that are right for you, without a sales agenda.